I have had a lot of cool experience’s lately but I haven’t been posting on here so this will be a semi organized info dump.
In February I was part of the Polka Dot Dragon Lantern Festival. My installation was a Fairy Ring made out of cloth, metal hangers, wood and paint. I added glow in the dark paint on the caps in hope it would glow in the dark… it kinda worked.

On March 18th the Touchstones 2023 Members Show opened and I had the great opportunity of having my art in the show!

On March 24th I noticed that Otterbook Store put my book in the display window! Butterflies and a happy dance is what that brought on!

At the end of March I dropped off some new colouring pages at Main Street Diner! Apparently a kid complained about getting the same design two times in a row… Obviously time for new colouring pages!

All the while during March I was rushing to make some art pieces on canvas to apply to the Art Walk 2023!
🥳 SPOILERS🥳 I got into the Art Walk 2023 and I am beyond excited!! more updates to come…

At the end of April Cowans Office Supplies purchased 10 books from me and now they are on display in the store!

I have started to design Mushroom Cards, they can be used as greeting, birthday, or just a hello card.

https://www.tinygiantscreations.com and my friend Magnificent Monsters ( on Instagram ) have made some awesome additions to my waterbottle ! please go check them out.

May 6th I attended the first market of the season at the NDYC. Magnificent Monsters ( on Instagram ) and I shared a table and I also had a few of my cousins cards and prints Tiger Tuesday ( on Instagram ).