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October Catch Up

October was still quite busy but I had less markets… only 3!

Oct 7th I was a vendor at Cottonwood Falls Farmers Market and it was very very cold and it didn’t get sunny till about noon. This time I was closer to the entrance but that didn’t do much in terms of traffic for me sadly. There was a sweet older lady that really like my painting called 2 steps forward, 3 steps back, she even knew where to put it in her kitchen . If I didn’t need the money to pay for life so badly I honestly would’ve just given it to her. See below for images from Cottonwood Market.

Somewhere in the beginning of October, Urban Legends in Nelson took my book and some stickers, magnets, pins and keychains on consignment!

Oct 13th aka Friday the 13th , my order of books came in! I was in desperate need of more copies of Roadtrips and Rainbow Trout for the upcoming Christmas markets. They came in two boxes that mostly consisted of stuffing paper so behold my fancy paper scarf as I show off my books!

Oct 14th Cottonwood Falls Farmers Market, phase 1/2 of my new set up got put into gear. It was mostly spurred on by lack of engagement and a spontaneous trip to Walmart. I had two separate people buy stickers and instantly smack em on their water bottles. One of the people actually asked me to put the sticker on, so that was exciting. There was a very good band playing and I made a trade with Spirit Nests some stickers for a chapstick. I also worked on one of my commissions for a little bit! See below images from Cottonwood Market.

Oct 28th the last Cottonwood Falls Farmer Market of the year. We had been relocated to the Chamber of Commerce parking lot but that was ok. There was also a bit of a Halloween theme so my BF and I decided to switch up the usual mushroom hat and we were ducks instead. I believe the blindingly bright yellow that we were both wearing equally scared people away and brought more people to us. We did a bit of the chicken dance and brought the Stronk Honk sticker to life then caused a bit of chaos after the market was done on Baker Street. Overall lots of laughter was had!

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September Catch Up

Well it would appear I forgot to keep my website updated on all the activities I’ve been up to so this time I will do it by month!

September 2nd I was a vendor at a Winlaw Art Show! It was such a sunny and gorgeous day, I ended up selling 5/6 colouring books I brought with me, made some new friends and watched a grown adult deny his kid a push on the swing because he was admiring my mushroom canvas paintings that are left over from ArtWalk. See below images from the Winlaw Market.

September 2nd in the evening I participated in an Art Throwdown at The Royal (a bar on Baker Street in Nelson). There was two rounds, three artist are put up on stage with their backs to the audience but easel to the audience so they can watch the art live in real time, we are given and hour to create! Then there’s a raffle and the winners get to take a piece of art home with them! I had a secret weapon… I really hope it worked and whoever got my painting I hope it absolutely glows in its new home (: See below images from the Art Throwdown.

September 3rd, yes I know the next day. I had a stall at the Pride Market, it was supposed to be cold and rainy.. it rained but was terribly humid. I was extremely excited because I had designed some Pride stickers and I was so ready to show them to the world! (They can be found in the pride section of the store on my website) I made some connections with other vendors and saw lots of smiles! I also shared the table with my cousin tiger.tuesday , who was selling cards and prints. See below images from the Pride Market.

September 16th, when Nelsons Farmers Market opened for vendors I applied and was just put onto a wait list but on September 16th it finally happened and I joined the Saturday Cottonwood Falls Farmers Market for the first time ever! It was a super sunny day, I met some interesting people and neglected to bring myself lunch but overall had a pretty great time! This was also around when people started recognizing me from other events like the Throwdown and Pride Market and even as far back as the Polka Dot Dragon Festival! See below images from the Cottonwood Market.

Sept 17, yep I know another back to back weekend! Once a month there is a Sunday Market hosted at The Royal ( a bar on Baker Street in Nelson). Magnificent Monsters (Instagram) and I shared a table at this one. It was super busy but I didn’t end up making too much sadly. Although recently I have changed the layout of my setup and I think it really helps with the engagement. See below images from the Sunday Market.

National Truth and Reconciliation Day 🧡, Sept 30, A very busy month was ended with the second Cottonwood Falls Farmers Market I attended. I got to be honest I do not remember to much from this one, I think my brain was tired. I do know I was in the paved little round about area by the live music, it was a tad rainy and a lady started crying at my booth, she was quite emotional over I believe the message behind the moose hide squares. See below images from the Cottonwood Falls Market.

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My Artwalk opening night experience!

The Artwalk location I have my artwork at is Booksmyth in Nelson BC. I shared the location with Kimberley Hyatt, .

My artwork is displayed amongst the books and on the sides of bookshelves. Along with some stickers and bookmarks I was selling as well

Opening night was super busy and I only ended up getting one photo (see below image, I am posing with a piece that sold). It was really exciting to explain my art process and inspirations but I definitely did not expect to see so many people come out! So a big Thank You to everyone that came out and supported Artwalk 2023! ❤️

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🎨 35th Annual Art Walk 🚶‍♀️

A fully in-person experience featuring local artists, performers, and venues in 2023. ArtWalk is an annual tradition that has united businesses, artists, and community members for over three decades. The event populates unique venues with quality, locally produced artwork which draws traffic to local businesses and increases the visibility of Nelson and area artists.

ArtWalk’s two opening nights (Saturday, June 24th and Saturday, August 5th) will showcase participating artists at their venues alongside a collection of street performances and other delights throughout Nelson’s downtown core from 6 – 9 pm. A new set of artists will have their work on display at each opening. After the openings, art will be available to view at the participating venues during their regular hours until Sunday, September 10th.

I am pleased to say that I will be part of this years ArtWalk! I will be at the June 24th opening at Booksmyth, so come on down and say hi. I will have 5 pieces from a series I have been doing using buildings in Nelson and 3 pieces from a previous gallery show.

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Are monsters hiding under your bed?

Recently I took part in a gallery show called Monsters under the bed at . I entered 3 monsters to the show. Alas none sold but they did get to go for an adventure out of the house! I wanted to do a bit of a spin and paint what monsters might be afraid of, instead of the people being afraid. I took suggestions from people on Instagram and Facebook! Whoever suggested the themes I liked best got to pick an item from my shop as well.

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A little bit of catch up!

I have had a lot of cool experience’s lately but I haven’t been posting on here so this will be a semi organized info dump.

In February I was part of the Polka Dot Dragon Lantern Festival. My installation was a Fairy Ring made out of cloth, metal hangers, wood and paint. I added glow in the dark paint on the caps in hope it would glow in the dark… it kinda worked.

On March 18th the Touchstones 2023 Members Show opened and I had the great opportunity of having my art in the show!

On March 24th I noticed that Otterbook Store put my book in the display window! Butterflies and a happy dance is what that brought on!

At the end of March I dropped off some new colouring pages at Main Street Diner! Apparently a kid complained about getting the same design two times in a row… Obviously time for new colouring pages!

All the while during March I was rushing to make some art pieces on canvas to apply to the Art Walk 2023!

🥳 SPOILERS🥳 I got into the Art Walk 2023 and I am beyond excited!! more updates to come…

At the end of April Cowans Office Supplies purchased 10 books from me and now they are on display in the store!

I have started to design Mushroom Cards, they can be used as greeting, birthday, or just a hello card. and my friend Magnificent Monsters ( on Instagram ) have made some awesome additions to my waterbottle ! please go check them out.

May 6th I attended the first market of the season at the NDYC. Magnificent Monsters ( on Instagram ) and I shared a table and I also had a few of my cousins cards and prints Tiger Tuesday ( on Instagram ).